8335069517 / 8335069561/8335069571

Approved by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi (AICTE)

Approved by Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi (PCI)

Affiliated to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal (Formerly known as West Bengal University of Technology, (MAKAUT)

Affiliated to the West Bengal State Council of Technical & Vocational Education and Skill Development(Technical Education Division), Govt. of W.B. ((WBSCT&VE&SD)


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The institute is affiliated to University of MAKAUT Examination for its B Pharm and M.Pharm courses which provides the B.Pharm and M.Pharm degrees.The examination system followed is semester system.The internal examination carries 25 marks for written and 5 marks for attendance. Presently it is conducted every month as per university directive and named as CA1, CA2, CA3, CA4. Semester examination is conducted at the end of the semester by the university. Each theory paper carries 70 marks. The practical examination bears 40 marks for internal with two internal examinations conducted PA1 and PA2. Semester examination carries 60 marks. The institute examination committee is entrusted to conduct the internal as well as semester examination in a befitting manner.  For the semester examination questions are sent to the college by the University of MAKAUT. They also sent the answer booklet which is collected by the university representative after they are packed at the college after completion of the examination on the same day of the examination.

The examination committee is the body established for the purpose of determining both objectively and professionally whether a student satisfies the requirements set by the Teaching and Examination regulations with reference to the knowledge, understanding and skills required to earn a degree.

Functions of Examination Committee:

·   To ensure whether a student meets the requirements with regard to knowledge and skills, which are entrusted in the program and examination rule, for acquiring internal marks.

·   Preparing and moderation of the question papers as per the guidelines of the university.

·   To upgrade the quality of internal examinations to be conducted at institute level.

·   To designate examiners for conducting exams.

·   To take measures against any malpractice or cheating.

·   To display the statement of internal marks on student notice board.

·       To survey all the checked papers and submission of internal marks to university

For smooth conduction of examination the examination committee meets at least twice a year for smooth functioning.

Examination Notice Board

Schedule of CA-III-2025 of B.Pharm & M.Pharm 20-Mar-2025

The B.Pharm 2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th semester CA-III will be held on and from 27-03-2025 to 29-03-2025.


CA-III & PCA- I & II Exam. for B.Pharm & M.Pharm 2024-25 (Even semester) 03-Mar-2025

PCA-I for B.Pharm 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th year & M.Pharm 1st year will be held on and from 6th March, 2025 to 12th March, 2025) and CA-II assessment submission deadline is 10th March, 2025.


Notice for Continuous Assessment-I (CA-I) for 2nd, 4th, 6th & 8th semester examination 2024-25 14-Feb-2025

Notice for CA-I held from 24th February, 25 to 26th February, 25.


Provisional Routine for B.Pharm & M.Pharm odd semester examination 2024-25 26-Dec-2024

Provisional Routine of University (MAKAUT) for B.Pharm (1st to 4th semester) & M.Pharm (1st semester) odd semester examination 2024-25.


CA-III & PCA- I & II Exam. for B.Pharm & M.Pharm 1st year and B.Pharm Lateral Entry 07-Dec-2024

PCA- I Exam. for B.Pharm & M.Pharm 1st year and B.Pharm Lateral Entry will be held from 9th Dec, 2024 and PCA-II held from 11th Dec., 2024.


Notice for Examination Form Fill-up for Odd semester 2024-25 09-Nov-2024

Examination form Fill-up for B.Pharm (3rd, 5th & 7th) & M.Pharm odd semester 2024-25 will commence from 21st November, 2024.


CA-IV (Odd semester) Examination Notice 2024-25 06-Nov-2024

B.Pharm 3rd, 5th & 7th semester CA-IV examination will commence on 13th November, 2024, as per the MAKAUT schedule.


PCA-II Examination 2024-25 18-Oct-2024

Practical Continuous Assessment-2 (PCA-II) 2024-25 will be conducted from 4th November’ 2024 to 9th November 2024.


Schedule for Continuous Assessment -III 2024-25 13-Sep-2024

Examination notice regarding CA-III schedule for B.Pharm 3rd, 5th & 7th semester and M.Pharm 3rd semester


2nd Internal Assessment 2023-24 of D.Pharm 1st year 28-Aug-2024

Schedule of D.Pharm 1st year 2nd Internal Assessment 2023-24


PCA-I & CA-II of Odd semester 2024-25 24-Aug-2024

PCA-I for 3rd, 5th & 7th semester will be conducted from 2nd September to 11th September, 2024 and CA-II will be held on the assignment topics within 10th September, 2024 positively.


Examination notice for Continuous Assessment-I (CA-I) for the session of 2024-25 26-Jul-2024

All the B.Pharm 3rd, 5th, & 7th sem and M.Pharm 3rd sem students are hereby informed that CA-1 will be held from 5th August to 8th August 2024.


Rescheduled M.Pharm 4th semester Examination-2024 03-Jun-2024

M.Pharm Pharmaceutics 2nd year 4th semester seminar/presentation has been rescheduled on 6th June, 2024.


Re-schedule Non-University Even semester Examination-2024 30-May-2024

Non-University Even semester Examination (HU-482) of 4th semester has been postponed to 3rd June-2024.


Schedule of B.Pharm Practical Examination-2024 22-May-2024

B.Pharm 2nd, 4th & 6th semester end practical examination/Seminar Presentation schedule.


Schedule of M.Pharm Practical and Seminar/Presentation Examination-2024 22-May-2024

M.Pharm (Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology & Pharmaceutical Bio-Technology) 2nd & 4th semester Practical and Seminar/Presentation Examination schedule.


Notice for Practical Even semester examination-2024 21-May-2024

Even semester Practical Examination-24 for B.Pharm 2nd, 4th, 6th and M.Pharm 2nd semester students will be held from 29th to 31st May, 2024.


Schedule of D.Pharm (2nd year) 2nd Internal Assessment 2023-24 17-May-2024

Schedule of 2nd Internal Assessment of D.Pharm 2nd year students for Theory & Practical Examination.


Notice for Even semester Project Work-2024 11-May-2024

Schedule of M.Pharm & B.Pharm final year students Project Work-24


Schedule of Non-University Examination 2024 10-May-2024

Non-University semester examination will be held from 27th & 28th May, 2024.


Non-University Even semester examination-2024 08-May-2024

Non-University Even semester Examination-24 will be held from 27th to 28th May, 2024.


Notice for M.Pharm even semester practical examination 2024 08-May-2024

Schedule of M.Pharm all stream 2nd & 4th semester practical examination 2023-24.


Notice of B.Pharm 4th year (8th semester) Project examination-2024 08-May-2024

Project seminar PPT presentation and viva-voce of 4th year (8th semester) students held on & from 24th to 25th May, 2024.


Notice for Practical Even semester examination 2023-24 30-Apr-2024

Practical Even semester examination of B.Pharm 2nd, 4th, 6th and M.Pharm 2nd semester students will be held form 29th May, 2024 to 31st May, 2024.


CA-IV Exam Schedule 29-Apr-2024

Examination schedule of CA-IV for the session 2023-24 for B.Pharm & M.Pharm (2nd Sem).


Notice for change in the Academic Activities of the University (CA-IV & Even Sem University Examination-24) 27-Apr-2024

Revised schedule for CA-IV & Even semester University Examination due to the General Election-2024.


D.Pharm 1st year Internal Assessment-I 2023-24 13-Apr-2024

D.Pharm (1st year) Internal Assessment Theory Examination will be held on and from 23rd April, 2024 to 25th April, 2024 and Practical Examination will be conduct by their respective class teacher from 26th April, 2024 onwards.


Practical Continuous Assessment-II NOTICE-2023-24 03-Apr-2024

PCA-2 of B.Pharm 2nd, 4th, 6th and M.Pharm 2nd semester 2023-24 will be held from 24th April, 2024 to 30th April, 2024.


Schedule of B.Pharm CA-III for the session 2023-24 11-Mar-2024

Continuous Evaluation-III for B.Pharm will be held on and from 27th March, 24 to 30th March, 2024.


Schedule of CA-III for M.Pharm 2023-24 11-Mar-2024

Continuous Evaluation-III for M.Pharm all stream will be held on and from 27th March to 28th March, 2024.


Schedule of 2nd year D.Pharm 1st Internal Assessment 2023-24 28-Feb-2024

D.Pharm 2nd year 1st Internal Assessment Examination will be held on and from 1st March, 2024 to 5th March, 2024.


Schedule of Practical Continuous Evaluation-I for B.Pharm 6th semester. 23-Feb-2024

Schedule of PCE-I for B.Pharm 3rd year (6th semester) will be held on 1st, 4th & 5th March, 2024


Schedule for Continuous Evaluation-I of B.Pharm 4th year (8th semester) 2024. 22-Jan-2024


Schedule for Continuous Evaluation-I of B.Pharm 3rd year (6th semester) 2024 22-Jan-2024


Notice for 1st & 3rd semester examination Form fill up (Regular & Backlog) 2023-24 20-Jan-2024

University Examination form fill up for B.Pharm 1st & 3rd odd semester and M.Pharm 1st odd semester students 2023-24


Schedule of CA-III 15-Jan-2024

Schedule of Continuous Assessment-III (2024) for B.Pharm, M.Pharm 1st semester & B.Pharm lateral entry 3rd semester students.


CA-II & PCA-I Examinations 05-Jan-2024

PCA-I (for 1st semester) will be held from 8th January, 2024 & CA-II will be based on assignment topic and it should be submitted on 15th January, 2024.


Notice for CA-I for B.Pharm 1st year & Lateral Entry students. 23-Dec-2023

Continuous Assessment-I examination will be held on 3rd & 4th January, 2023 for B.Pharm 1st sem & 3rd sem lateral entry students.


University Routine of 5th & 7th semester (odd) examination 2023 28-Nov-2023

B.Pharm 5th & 7th semester examination routine provided by the MAKAUT.


Continuous Assessment - 4 (CA-4) 03-Nov-2023

CA-4 examination will be held from 6th November, 2023.


Schedule of Practical Continuous Assessment-2, 2023 31-Oct-2023

Schedule of PCA-2 for 3rd, 5th & 7th Semester B.Pharm Students.


Revised Notice for PCA-2 28-Oct-2023

Notice for Practical Continuous Assessment-2 for 3rd, 5th & 7th semester B.Pharm students will be held from 1st November, 23 to 7th November, 23.


CA-4 & PCA-2 Notice 25-Oct-2023

Examination Notice regarding Continuous Assessment-4 & PCA-2 for B.Pharm 3rd, 5th & 7th semester students.


Schedule of CA-3 27-Sep-2023

Schedule of Continuous Assessment-3 for B.Pharm 3rd, 5th & 7th semester.


Continuous Assessment-3 (CA-3) 25-Sep-2023

Notice for all 3rd, 5th & 7th semester B.Pharm students regarding CA-3.


Notice regarding PCA-I schedule 06-Sep-2023


PCA-1 & CA-2 29-Aug-2023

Notice for all B.Pharm 3rd, 5th & 7th semester students for Practical Continuous Assessment-1 & Continuous Assessment-2.


Schedule for External Assessment of Sessional Subject 2022-23 22-Aug-2023

As per WBSCT&VE& SD examination schedule for External Assessment of Sessional Subject of D.Pharm, Part-I.


External Assessment of Theoretical Subject (2022-23) of D.Pharm Part-I 09-Aug-2023

Schedule for External Assessment of Theoretical Subject of Diploma in Pharmacy


Schedule of CA-1 for 3rd sem. 04-Aug-2023

Schedule of Continuous Assessment-I for B.Pharm 2nd year, 3rd semester students.


Schedule of CA-1 for 5th sem. 04-Aug-2023

Schedule of Continuous Assessment-1 for 3rd year 5th semester.


Schedule of CA-1 for 7th sem. 04-Aug-2023

Schedule of CA-1 for 4th year 7th semester.


Continuous Assessment-1 (CA-1) 01-Aug-2023

CA-1 will be held from 7th August, 2023.


B.Pharm 4th year Project Examination 2022-23 20-May-2023


M.Pharm 2nd Semester Practical-II Examination 2022-23 20-May-2023


Notice for M.Pharm 2nd semester Theory Examination 2022-23 15-May-2023

M.Pharm (Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology & Bio-Technology) 2nd semester University examination scheduled to be held as University notification.


Notice for Sessional Examination of 2nd & 4th semester examination 2022-23 11-May-2023


Continuous Assessment-4 (CA-4) & PCA-2 21-Apr-2023

Online CA-4 & PCA-2


Continuous Assessment-3 (CA-3) 11-Mar-2023

Continuous Assessment-3 (CA-3) for B.Pharm & M.Pharm Even semester students from 29th to 31st March, 2023.


PCA-1 and CA-2 04-Mar-2023

Practical Continuous Assessment-1 will be conducted from 6th to 11th March, 2023 for 2nd & 4th semester students and Continuous Assessment-2 (CA-2) on the basis of assignment within 13th March, 2023


PCA-1 and CA-2 for M.Pharm 04-Mar-2023

Notice for Practical Continuous Assessment-1 and Continuous Assessment-1 for all M.Pharm students.


M.Pharm 3rd Sem. Sessional Examination Notice 26-Nov-2022

Notice for the presentation on the progress of project work of M.Pharm, 3rd Sem


CA-II & PCA-I notice dated 11.11.2022 11-Nov-2022

Notice for 2nd Continuous Assessment & 1st Practical Assessment of 1st Semester students of B.Pharm & M.Pharm.


Exam. Form fill-up Notice for Odd Semester Exam.-2022 11-Nov-2022

Notice for examination Form fill-up for Regular & Back log students for Odd semester, 2022



Notice for Mock test of CA-4 for B.Pharm 3rd, 5th & 7th semester students.


Notice for B.Pharm & M.Pharm Odd semester examination 2022-23 03-Nov-2022


Notice for CA-4 02-Nov-2022

B.Pharm 3rd, 5th & 7th odd semester CA-4 examination Notice.


PCA-2 & CA-4 Notice 28-Oct-2022

Notice for PCA-2 (held on & from 31st October, 2022) and CA-4 will held from 9th to 12th November, 2022.


CA-3 Examination Notice 14-Sep-2022

Notice for CA-3 examination for B.Pharm 3rd, 5th & 7th semester students.


PCA-1 Examination Notice 17-Aug-2022


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