8335069517 / 8335069561/8335069571

Approved by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi (AICTE)

Approved by Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi (PCI)

Affiliated to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal (Formerly known as West Bengal University of Technology, (MAKAUT)

Affiliated to the West Bengal State Council of Technical & Vocational Education and Skill Development(Technical Education Division), Govt. of W.B. ((WBSCT&VE&SD)




Asso. Professor

About Me

Myself Dipak kumar Singha, completed my UG & PG from Jadavpur University I joined in this Institute in the year 2005 as a Lecturer.Now I am Associate Professor from 2021. I Teach so many different subjects like Biochemistry,Microbiology,Social Pharmacy, Pharmacology, Microbial & cellular biology and protein & protein formulation, I also supervise more than 60 UG student and 7 PG students. I published 9 national & international research publication in different Journal.I am also Guest Faculty of Jadavpur University 2015 to 2020.In addition act as Training & Placement officer,Nodal officer Student Credit Card, Bangar Uchchashikasha portal, HOD of Diploma in Pharmacy from 2015. I enrolled my PhD registration in Jadavpur University 2019.

Date of Joining Calcutta Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and A.H.S. 18-Apr-2005
Date of Birth 15-Sep-1975
Academic Records      
Level of Exam Degree Year Board/University Institution Class/Percent Specialization
DIP D.Pharm 1996 West Bengal Family welfere Institute of pharmacy jailpaiguri I/74
UG B.Pharm 2004 Jadavpur University Jadavpur University I/73.35 NA
PG M. Pharm. 2008 Jadavpur university Jadavpur university I/73.25 Biochemistry
10+2 HS June 1993 West Bengal Board Higher Secondary Education Gobardhanpur Pramathanath Vidyayatan I/68.8 NA
Matriculation Matriculation May 1991 West Bengal Boartd of Secondary Education Pulsita Bholanath Vidyanikatan I/70 NA

Work Experiences   
From To Duration Organisation Post Held
 18-04-2005 11-08-2009 4y 3m Calcutta Institute of pharmaceutical Technology & AHS Lecturer
 12-08-2009 17-05-2015 5y 9m Calcutta Institute of pharmaceutical Technology &AHS Asst. Professor
 18-05-2015 31-07-2021 6y 2m Calcutta Institute of pharmaceutical Technology & AHS HOD ,D. Pharm
 01-08-2021 Till Date 3y 7m Calcutta Institute of pharmaceutical Technology &AHS Associate. Professor

Date Type Journal Title Co Author
 18-May-2007 IJ  World Journal of Gastroenterology.  Acanthus ilicifolius plant extract prevents DNA alterations in a transplantable Ehrlich ascites carcinoma-bearing murine model.  Dipak Bhuniya
 17-May-2012  International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences  Evaluation of antiulcer activity of ethanolic extract of sechium edule fruits in experimental rats’  Neraja K ,
 17-Mar-2016  International Journal of Pharmacy and Engineering,  Myasthenia Gravis: A Grave Muscular Disorder.”  Dipak Kumar Singha
 19-Mar-2019 IJ International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET Biochips Technology Tuhin Samanta
 19-May-2019 NJ  International Journal for Researcha, in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET Production of Biodiesel from Dairy Waste Scum Tuhin Samanta
 19-May-2019 IJ International Journal for Research in Applied Science & Engineering Technology (IJRASET) Bioinformatics and Its Scope in Biotechnology  Dipak Kumar Singha
 17-Mar-2021  Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Research and Development An Updated Review on Bioinformatics and Pharmacogenomics in Drug Discovery and Development Process  Payel Mukherjee,
 18-Sep-2021 NJ International Journal of Drug Development and Research Protein Therapeutics: An Updated Review Dipak Kumar Singha,
 18-Jan-2022 NJ International Journal of Research Publication and Reviews Role of Tyrosinase Extraction from Banana ( Musa acuminata ) Arijit Shil

Type Date Description
Attended Conferences19-Jan-2008To the 1st Pharm. Tech IPST International conference on “ Drug Delivery and Drug Targeting research” on 19th & 20th January 2008 at Jadavpur University, Kolkata.
Attended Conferences23-Jan-2010To the 1st International Workshop-Seminar on “Liposome: From theory to practice”January 23-24, 2010 Uluberia, Howrah.
Attended Seminar 20-Feb-2012To the 2nd International Workshop-Seminar on “Recent Development in Pharmaceutical Education & Research” on Feb 20-21, 2012 Uluberia, Howrah.
Awards12-Sep-2014I was got 1st award Workshop on Intellectual Property Right” Organized by Patent Information Centre west Bengal state Council of science & Technology, DST Govt. Of west Bengal on Biochips.
Attended Conferences24-Dec-2017To the paper presentation on“ Clinical Significance of Glycosylated Heamoglobin Over Diabetes Mellitus” 69th Indian Pharmaceutical Congress 22nd to 24th December 2017at Chitkara University, Rajpura, Punjab