8335069517 / 8335069561/8335069571

Approved by All India Council for Technical Education, New Delhi (AICTE)

Approved by Pharmacy Council of India, New Delhi (PCI)

Affiliated to Maulana Abul Kalam Azad University of Technology, West Bengal (Formerly known as West Bengal University of Technology, (MAKAUT)

Affiliated to the West Bengal State Council of Technical & Vocational Education and Skill Development(Technical Education Division), Govt. of W.B. ((WBSCT&VE&SD)




Asso. Professor

About Me

Myself Dr. Nilanjan Pahari working as an Associate Professor at Calcutta Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and AHS, West Bengal, India. I have more than 18 years experience in Teaching and research. My area of research is Pharmacovigilance, Pharmacology & Toxicity studies. I have published around 23 research and review papers in the International & National journal. I have also patented 5 research works in my credential. I have supervised 12 M.Pharm (P.G) and more than 120 B.Pharm (U.G) students.Awarded Prestigious BHARAT SHIKSHA GAURAV PURASKAR and got CERTIFICATE OF EDUCATION EXCELLENCE.

Date of Joining Calcutta Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and A.H.S. 01-Sep-2005
Date of Birth 11-Sep-1979
Academic Records      
Level of Exam Degree Year Board/University Institution Class/Percent Specialization
Matriculation NA 1994 W.B.B.S.E K.J.V. 1st NA
10+2 NA 1996 W.B.C.H.S.E K.J.V 2nd Science
UG B.Pharm 2001 U.University I.P.T. 1st NA
PG M.Pharm 2005 U.University UDPS,U.University 1st Pharmacology
PG MBA 2008 Sikkim Manipal University MIECE,Howrah 1st HRD
Ph.D Phd 2023 TIU School of Pharmacy, TIU Awarded Pharmacology

Work Experiences   
From To Duration Organisation Post Held
 30-09-2001 17-02-2002 0y 4m Mascot Pharmatech Business associates
 18-02-2002 25-02-2003 1y 0m Fairdeal Formulations (I) PVT.LTD-Indore Medical Representative
 26-02-2003 30-09-2003 0y 7m Maneesh Healthcare-Mumbai Professional Sales Executive
 01-09-2005 30-06-2008 2y 10m CIPT Lecturer
 01-07-2008 31-12-2010 2y 6m CIPT Senior Lecturer
 01-01-2011 31-07-2021 10y 7m CIPT Assistant Professor
 01-08-2021 Till Date 3y 7m CIPT Associate Professor

Date Type Journal Title Co Author
 13-Nov-2010 IJ International journal of Pharmaceutical Science and Research Synthesis and Evaluation of Acute Toxicity studies & Analgesic characters of some Novel Indole Derivatives. 
 16-Jun-2012 IJ International Journal of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Evaluation and analysis of adverse drug reactions of second generation Antipsychotics in a psychiatry out-patient department.  
 16-Nov-2012 IJ International journal of pharmacy and pharmaceutical Sciences A Protective effect of Mikania scandens (L.) Willd.against isoniazid induced hepatotoxicity in rats.  
 02-Apr-2013 IJ World Journal of Pharmaceutical Research A review on natural plants for cancer therapy.  
 15-Jul-2013 IJ World journal of Pharmaceutical Research  Recent development in herbal drug research for Global health care.  Nilanjan Pahari
 17-Oct-2013 NJ JPR Bio Med Rx  A literature review on current tropical diseases and the role of Pharmacist in public health with special reference to tropical diseases.  Nilanjan Pahari
 02-Apr-2015 IJ World journal of Pharmaceutical Research Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography (HILIC) and its application in pharmaceutical analysis.  
 04-Jun-2015 IJ World journal of Pharmaceutical Research A Review on hepatic Disease and Development of Herbal Drugs for the treatment of Liver Complications.  
 12-Aug-2019 IJ World Journal of pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences A case study of macular degeneration.  
 17-Aug-2019 IP World Journal of pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Assisted Reproductive Technology(ART): A Solution for Infertilities.  
 15-Sep-2019 IJ World Journal of pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences Dialysis for treating chronic kidney disease.  
 18-Jun-2022 IJ International journal of Health Sciences A concise review on Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cong. Plant 
 17-Jul-2022 IJ Pharmacological Research -Modern Chinese Medicine (Elsevier)  Exploring the pharmacognoatical properties and pharmacological activities of phytocompounds present in Ficus recemosa linn:A concise review 
 16-Nov-2022 IJ Beni-Suef University Journal of Basic and Applied Sciences (Springer Nature)  Satranidazole-loaded chitosan/locust bean gum/xanthan gum polysaccharide composite multiunit pellets for colon targeting: in vitro–in vivo investigation.  
 02-Mar-2023 IJ A Journal for New Zealand Herpetology, BioGecko (Web of Science)  Exploring the Bioactive compounds using HPTLC analysis of Benincasa hispida leaves extract for wound healing management 
 12-Apr-2023 IJ European Chemical Bulletin (Scopus)  Screening the Antimicrobial Properties of Benincasa hispida (Thunb.) Cogn. Leaves 
 19-Apr-2023 BOOK-CHAP Novel Aspect on Pharmaceutical Research  Safety and Tolerability of some Second Generation of Antipschotics Koyel Mandal
 15-May-2024 BOOK-CHAP Iterative International Publishers (IIP) Series  Inflammation is Relatively linked to cancer and Plays a Significant role in tumor formation and Progression  Akash Koley
 19-Aug-2024 IJ Hybrid Advance, Elsevier Safety profile determination of Benincasa hispida Thunb.) Cogn. Leaves extract using toxicological and histopathological Screening Arup Chatterjee

Type Date Description
Others01-Mar-2006 Q.I.P on Experimental Techniques on Pharmacology & Toxicology
Certifications04-Mar-2006II National Convention of pharmacy Educators by I.P.A
Attended Conferences18-Mar-2006I Convention of I.P.G.A (Bengal Branch)
Awards31-May-2006Association of the Institution of Chemist (India)
Others09-Jan-2008Q.I.P on drug delivery & targeting research
Attended Conferences09-Jan-2008Principal & Practice of Pharmacovigilance
Attended Conferences19-Jan-2008Drug delivery & Drug targeting research
Attended Seminar 03-Mar-2008Pharmaceutical Education & Research to meet Global Challenges
Certifications28-May-2008Fundamentals of Clinical Research & Good Clinical Practice
Certifications14-Apr-2009"Schedule 'Y' and its impact in modern Pharma Industry"
Attended Conferences20-Nov-200948th National Pharmacy week - 2009
Attended Seminar 23-Jan-2010International Workshop Seminar on Liposome :From Theory to Practice
Certifications01-Mar-2018Good Clinical practice And Clinical Research
Others03-May-2019Attended workshop on In Silico Drug Design organized by CIPT, Uluberia, Howrah. 3rd to 4th May, 2019.
Attended Seminar 13-May-2020Webinar: Protein engineering & formulation for therapeutic applications. 2020, 13 may NIPER Kolkata
Others18-May-2020Vaccine & Drug Development against COVID -19 2020 18th May Mizoram University
Attended Seminar 26-May-2020FDP: Advancement initiative a series of online training 2020 ,26-29 may APTI Orissa
Others03-Jun-2020 Guidelines for Research Grant & Research Proposal 2020 3rd June Assam Down Town University
Others06-Jun-2020 Technology Assisted antibody-mimetic discovery 2020 6th June Adamas University
Attended Seminar 07-Jun-2020FDP: Challenges & opportunities in post covid-19 Pandemic Phase: Focusing teaching, research & inovation 2020,7-13 June Assam down town university, Guhati
Others09-Jun-2020Webinar: Innate Immunity to Respiratory Invasions 2020, 9th June MAKAUT
Attended Seminar 12-Jun-2020 FDP: Digital skills for smart teaching 2020 12-18 June Annamalai University
Others13-Jun-2020 Impact of Ayush medicine system in current & post pandemic scenario 2020 13th June LNCT University,Bhopal,MP
Others13-Jun-2020 Impact of Ayush medicine system in current & post pandemic scenario 2020 13th June LNCT University,Bhopal,MP
Others16-Jun-2020 Research publication & citation; perspective of a highly cited Researcher 2020 16th June Mizoram University
Attended Seminar 18-Jun-2020 Stress management in difficult situation 2020 18th June ISF College of Pharmacy,Moga.
Attended Seminar 19-Jun-2020FDP: Current Trends in Pharmaceutical Science 2020 19-23 June Anwarul Uloom college of Pharmacy,Hydrabad.
Attended Seminar 22-Jun-2020FDP: Holistic approaches for excellence in pharmaceutical education, research & publishing 2020, 22-28 June, Raghu college of pharmacy Hydrabad
Attended Seminar 23-Jun-2020 Understanding and Practice School and its concept in UG Pharmacy Education 2020, 23 rd June JSS academy of Higher education and Research.
Attended Seminar 25-Jun-2020F.D.P: Recent updates in pharmacy practice 2020,25-30June G.Pulla Reddy College of Pharmacy in Association with IPA,Telangana.
Others08-Aug-2020 FDP: Sustainable e-Learning Trends in Pharmacy Education and Training. 2020 8-9 August RIPS &T,Tripura, IPT ,Salipur,DIT University,Dehradun.
Others09-Aug-2020PHAR-SIGHT of Pharmacy a Millennium OATH 2020, 9th and 15th August ,Techno India University
Attended Conferences24-Aug-2020 AICTE sponsored national level e-conference: Prominence of bio- analysis discovery and its application to pharmacokinetics studies, 2020 24 -25 July Pharma analytica & APTI, Hyderabad
Attended Seminar 29-Aug-2020 IPR & Recent advancement in pharmaceutical research,North Bengal University West Bengal
Others11-Sep-2020 Altered Lifestyle: Neurological and Cardiovascular complications 2020 ,11th September NIPER Ahmadabad
Others18-Jul-2021Workshop on mental health of high School and College student during pandemic . 18.6.2021.
Others11-Sep-2021QIP -AICTE sponsored from 06.09.2021 to 11.09.2021 on Advanced in Pharmaceutical Research at Jadavapur University, Kolkata.
Others22-Sep-2021Mendely training 22nd September.2021.
Attended Seminar 25-Sep-2021World Pharmacist day. 25th sept2021, CIPT & AHS.
Others25-Nov-2021National Pharmacy week – Webinar on Pharmacist : An integral part of Health Care 25.11.2021. CIPT & AHS
Others10-Dec-2021Workshop on molecular docking and ADME 10.12.2021-11.12.2021.
Others22-Dec-2021Webinar 22.12.2021 G.Pulla Reddy College of Pharmacy in Association with IPA,Telangana.
Others28-Jan-2022Webinar 28.01.2022 G.Pulla Reddy College of Pharmacy in Association with IPA,Telangana.
Others29-Jan-2022Webinar on Current Pharmaceutical Quality Monitoring by Appling Statistical Method With Respect to Industrial Aspects. 2022 29.01.2022 MAKAUT
Others02-Feb-2022Participation in Intellectual Property Awareness / Training Program under National Intellectual Property Awareness Mission 2022 02.02.2022 Intellectual Property Office, India
Others03-Mar-2022Webinar of Carrier counselling 03.03.2022. Mata Gujri University , Kishanganj
Awards22-Mar-2022Fellow of the Institution of Chemist FIC ( India)
Others29-Apr-2022Webinar on Epilepsy Associated cognitive decline: learning from Zebra fish model. 29.04.2022 Pulla Reddy Institute of Pharmacy , Hyderabad
Attended Seminar 03-Jun-2022Seminar on Recent advancement in hydrogel based drug delivery system. 03.06.2022. Gitanjali College of Pharmacy , Birbhum.
Attended Seminar 16-Jun-2022PRIP INNOVATE - 7 Scientific Achievement in Nano - Drug Testing 16.06.2022. Pulla Reddy Institute of Pharmacy , Hyderabad.
Attended Seminar 25-Jun-2022Remedial Thoughts of Research Methodology in Pharmacy 24.06.2022 – 25.06.2022 Department of Pharma-Analysis , IPT , Salipur
Attended Seminar 29-Jun-2022Advanced Research on Phytochemistry and It’s Impact 2022 29.06.2022 Gitanjali College of Pharmacy .
Patents08-Jul-2022Application no. 202231031043
Attended Seminar 29-Jul-2022Attended the National Seminar on Recent Advanced in Drug Discovery and Development at CIPT, Uluberia, Howrah, On 29th and 30th July, 2022
Patents19-Aug-2022Application no. 202231044988
Certifications01-Dec-2022Life member of APTI
Patents23-Dec-2022Application no. 202221065622A
Certifications15-Mar-2023Participated in Intelectual property awareness training program by NIPAM, Govt.of India.
Others30-Apr-2023Participated in career guidance and Scope of Pharmacy after completion of degree by PGIMS, Chandrakona Town, Paschim Medinipur, WB. 721201
Others02-May-2023Participated FDP on Train the Trainer organized by APTI, Women's forum, Maharashtra State Branch in association with SCES's Indira College of Pharmacy, Pune from 2nd May to 4th May 2023.
Patents23-Sep-2023Indian Design Grant Patent on Tissue Laser Therapy Used for Carpal Tunnel Syndrome application no. 395863-001.
Certifications24-Sep-2023Participated in 27th SPSR webinar on Pharmacist a proactive positive player in Rational Therapeutics.
Attended Conferences12-Oct-2023Attended National Conference "BT-PHARMACON-2K23" on " Healthcare:A Globar Transformation From Traditional To Modern Era" and Evaluated the Poster at Bharat Technology, Jadurberia, Uluberia,Howrah on 12th and 13th October, 2023
Attended Conferences04-Nov-2023Attended National Conference on New Approaches in Drug Discovery and Development - Opportunities and Challenges on 3rd and 4th November 2023 and Presented Poster at IPT, Salipur, Cuttack, Odisha.
Others25-Nov-2023Attended FDP from 20th-25thNovember2023 on Machine Learning by NSHM Institute of Pharmacy in association with Pantech E Learning.
Others20-Dec-2023Attended FDP from 20th to 23rd December ,2023 on "Reshaping Pharmacy Education:Tackling Information Communication Technology Challenges for a Digital Future" organized by Bharat Technology , in Collaboration with APTI.
Others21-Jan-2024Participated in the 36th SPSR international webinar on 'MinION Nanopore Sequencing for High thoughtput Virus Detection' Organized by Society of Pharmaceutical Science and Research on 21st January 2024
Patents24-Jan-2024Design Grant Patent on Animal Tissue Activity Detecting Device Design no -405553-001
Certifications02-Feb-2024Played a Pivotal role in successfully Coordinating Eight hours "Be EMPLOYABLE WORKSHOP" on 1st and 2nd February 2024 by Prime Step.
Attended Conferences23-Feb-2024Attended and Presented at international Conference on Renewable Energy Technologies and Biosustainabily from 21-23 February 2024,at Mahishadal Raj College, India.
Attended Seminar 08-Mar-2024Actively Participated in two days National seminar on "Pharmaceutical Education & Research:An Industrial Perspective" Jointly organized by CIPT and APTI, WB State branch.
Others25-Apr-2024Attended FDP on 'Principles of outcome based Education' organized by Vmedulife Software
Others26-Apr-2024Attended World IP day webinar organized by Turnip Innovation and supported by Qualcomm on the theme Intelectual Property and SDGs.
Others22-Jul-2024Attended e FDP from 22.07.24-27.07.24 ' Focus on Research, Innovation and Institutional Governance as path breaking initiative For Quality Enhancement of Self - financing standalone pharmacy Institute Organized by BST in association with IPGA, New Delhi.
Attended Seminar 27-Jul-2024Participated career guidance webinar in collaboration with E- Cell IIT Hyderabad and Skill Dunia.
Certifications31-Aug-2024Successful completion of 5 Days FDP on "Pharmaceutical Education on Digital Edge:Integrating Technology in Teaching and Research" organized by Bharat Technology, Uluberia, Howrah held on 27.08.24 to 31.08.24
Attended Workshops18-Sep-2024Delivered Lecture on "Importance of Rodents Species in Neurobehavioral study" of three days workshop on Neurobehavioral Studies on Rodents and Zebrafish at CIPT and AHS from 18.09.2024-20.09.2024
Attended Workshops03-Oct-2024Delivered Lecture on "Importance of Rodents Species in Neurobehavioral study" of three days workshop on Neurobehavioral Assessment in Experimental Animals at CIPT and AHS from 03.10.2024-05.10.2024
Others18-Nov-2024Organized Rally from Uluberia Railway station to Fuleswar Bus Stand on the Occasion of 63rd National Pharmacy week Celebration .
Certifications21-Nov-2024Participated as a delegate in the National webinar on "Trio 3D remedy :A New Horizon in Advance Pharmaceutical Research "Organized by School of Pharmacy and IIC,Seacom Skilled University , Bolpur, Birbhum, West Bengal.
Attended Seminar 21-Nov-2024Exploring advancements of Pharmacy and public health with a view towards fostering dialogue between health policy makers and academia at Calcutta Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and AHS, Uluberia, Howrah on the Eve of 63rd National Pharmacy Week .
Others24-Jan-2025Attended FDP on Sustainable Therapeutics: Harnessing the potential of Synthetic Drugs & Indian Medicinal Plants held between 24th and 31st January 2025, organized by the Department of Pharmaceutical Technology, Brainware University in association with Indian Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists and Technologists (IAPST).
Attended Conferences21-Feb-2025Attended the National Conference on "Innovation and Development of Modern Medicine and its Globalization:An Emerging Field of Pharmaceutical Research" and Served as an Evaluator of the Poster Presentation at Derozio Pharma Institute,in Association with School of Natural Product Studies, Jadavpur University and APTI (Bengal Branch).
Attended Workshops10-Mar-2025Worked as a Coordinator of 2days workshop form 10.03.2025 to 11.03.2025 on Introduction to Clinical Research- Overview, Importance and Appointment Organised by Calcutta Institute of Pharmaceutical Technology and AHS, with Bharat Technology in colaboration with MITCON Biotechnology and Pharmaceutical Centre Kolkata .
Others15-Mar-2025Attended 5 days FDP on "Empowering Educator in Pharmacology Bridging research and Practice" organised by DKSS-Dattakala college of Pharmacy in colaboration with Association of Pharmacy Professional (APP),Maharashtra State Branch from 10.-15.03.2025.